Monday, December 21, 2009

Greeting Card

With the holiday season upon I we look to what means the most to me; my family. My wife of 6 years is the most wonderful person in my life. She is the mother of my children and she amazes me everyday with what she can do. Ava my wonderful 4 year old going on 21. Her brilliance lights up my world. I sit in amazement and watch her write, color, and read. She is growing right before my eyes and sometimes that scares me to death that she will not be my little girl very much longer. Ella, what can I say about my crazy 2 year old. Her smile and eyes make me melt. Listening to her talk to her "bun, bun" always puts a smile on my face. To my unborn child I can't wait to see you and watch you grow. You are truly a gift from God.
I hope everybody has time to reflect on what's important to them this holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the McConnell's
Lance, Sarah, Ava, Ella, and Baby McConnell

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