Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Great Break

I hope everybody had a wonderful break and the countdown begins for Christmas. As usual break was spent eating a lot and getting some home improvements done around the house. We went to the Vest's for afternoon Thanksgiving and to my parent's house for evening Thanksgiving. It was great to see Jane out of the house and the kids loved being with her. They are so good and careful with her and give her "light" hugs. After a day of gorging ourselves on every food imaginable Friday my dad and Mark came down to help convert the basement into Sarah's photo studio. We put up a new ceiling and rearranged everything for her backdrops. It really looks nice and seems to be working well. The Truebloods are back up to Mayo for a checkup and get a schedule for Chemo. Sarah and Shawna went with them and it seems to put Mark and Jane at ease to have them with. Also Sarah and Ava went to Princesses on Ice at Wells Fargo Arena. Ava loved it and was glued to her seat the entire time. Stay tuned for a video of her at it. She came home and told me that she cried at the end because she was so happy that all the princesses got married.

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