Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

With a long weekend we decided to head to Ogden for Saturday and Sunday.  Mark had asked Sarah if she wanted to go to the Iowa State game Saturday night so it was me and the girls with Grandma Sue and Papa Jim.  We had a good time making cookies and dinner.  Sunday, before Sarah's pictures, we went to Mark's to have lunch.  We also went to the cemetery to see Jane's headstone.  We had not been out there since it was put it.  It is one of those moments that you look at it and go, "It looks beautiful." and on other the other hand it SUCKS.  To see something that you had never wanted to see is a weird feeling.  Watching Layla go up to Jane's headstone broke my heart.  To know this is the only physical way that she will remember Grandma Jane was very hard to watch.  My girls loved her so much and we talk about Grandma Jane all the time.  They will not forget that she loved them everyday and that she is looking down on them now.  Jane was my Mother-in-Law but she was more then that to me.  I spent many times with her at home, on vacations, at Iowa State games, and I loved her very much.  There is such an empty feeling when I leave Ogden knowing that she is not at the house, knowing that she is not giving me a hard time and me back to her.  I alway tell people that Mark and Jane were not like the typical In-laws.  They were so much more to me.  I have known them for a very long time.  Longer then Sarah and I have been together and there was a closeness that Jane and I shared.  She was a Mom to me and I will always see her as that.  Sitting there today and reading the prayer quilt that people gave Mark after the funeral filled me with happiness and sadness at the same time.  She was such a wonderful woman and we miss her everyday.

 Layla looking at Grandma Jane's headstone.

Very beautiful.