Tuesday, February 17, 2009

As Seen on TV

If you ever like to watch the infomericals on TV about the Magic Bullet, Han Steamer, etc. then you and Ava get would get along. She is very much like me and loves the gadgets and gimmicks that are out there. Sarah loves that about me (not really). Ava saw the commerical about the Breathe Right nasal strips and to use them for colds. Tonight she thought she needed a Breathe Right to go to sleep because of her cold. Of course, monkey see, monkey do, and Ella needed her nasal stip also. The other one is Ella loving her big sister and wanting to lay with her on the floor.


Ava and Ella with their nasal strips.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Finally Getting Outside

With the weather so nice we decided it was finally time to get outside for a little walk. The girls were really excited and Ava couldn't wait to get to ride her bike again. We went down the street and I think that Ava hit every mud puddle that she could find. Ella enjoyed the ride in her car and the nice weather felt good for everybody.
The video is of the girls dancing last night to the 2009 Dance and Drill Team Competition on IPTV. Ava watched and danced for a straight hour. I have a feeling I will be watching her dance for a very long time.


Sarah and the girls outside.

Ava on her bike.

Ella in her car with her pigtails.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Busy Couple of Weeks

As per a request I am finally updating my blog (thanks Karen). With school and Sarah's new enterprise it has been very busy around the house. We did get out a couple of times and had fun at each one. Brady had his fourth birthday at Chuckie Cheese and the girls had a blast playing all the games and riding the rides. Ava loved riding the horse and Ella liked going down the slide, the only thing that didn't take tokens! Last Friday we had family night at the Iowa Chops hockey game. I recieved some tickets at school and we went out to eat and to the game. The girls loved the whole thing. It was the first time for hockey fro all of us and we all became fans. The atmosphere at the game was fun and they had a lot of things that kept the girls interested, like fire and cotton candy. We are looking forward to going back soon. I hope everybody has had a good couple of weeks and are waiting for the warm weather. I also want to congratulate the Ruden family on their newest additions to their family, Joseph Patrick Ruden. May they all be healthy and strong.


Sarah and the girls after the hockey game.

Ava with her "booty" from the game.

Ella and I riding the motorcycle at Chuckie's

Ava, Chuckie, and Brady

Ella going down the slide.

Ava riding the horse ride and Chuckies.