Monday, January 24, 2011

Time to Crawl?

For the past few days Layla has gotten the idea that getting up on her knees is not a bad thing. She has also figured out that rocking back and forth is fun too. I am guessing that within the next week we will have a little crawler on our hands. I am not sure we are ready for that and I know Ava and Ella have no idea what they are in for. Here is a little video of Layla trying to figure the crawling thing out.

First and Last Sink Bath

Last night we decided to give Layla a bath in the kitchen sink. Well, that will never happen again. She loved it and when I say she loved it, she loved to splash until the water was running over the side of the counter and onto the floor. It was a great experience for all and next time we will put her in a bigger area to splash.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Cold Couple of Days

The last couple of days have been a cold time in our house. Tuesday Sarah called me at school and said our furnace was not running and it was 63 degrees in the house. I ran home and had a look, not that it was going to do any good, and started to call around to get someone out to have a look. By 5:00 we had a verdict; fix it or get a new one. There are two choice that neither Sarah and I wanted to make but we had no choice. We bit the bullet and went with a brand new furnace. It couldn't get installed until the next day. So our family of 5 and 1 dog made the trek over to the neighbors, The Welters, to spend the night. I think that Mark and Gayle were not sure what they got into when they asked, no told us, to come spend the night. It was a good call because Wednesday morning the house was 44 degrees! We had a wonderful time at the Welters for a couple of day. Good food, a warm house, and great company. My Wednesday afternoon the furnace was in and warming up the house. We are so blessed for wonderful neighbors. Our girls think of them as an extra set of grandparents and I have heard more then once the girls call Mark and Gayle grandma and grandpa.
Hopefully this will be a expense we don't have to worry about for awhile. If we do we know we have a place to stay at least.
Here is a picture of the new addition to the family. For the cost I thought I better take a picture.

Our Little Dancer

Monday Ella was very excited to see and try on her dance costume that she will be wearing for the recital in June. She loves her dance class and can't wait to go every week. She does such a good job and we can't wait to see her on the big stage.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Next Time for the Video

We received a Flip Video camera for Christmas and I am still trying to figure 0ut how to upload to my blog. I will learn and have some video up shortly.

Our Dancing Princess

Last week Ava and her dance class showed us what they have learned over the past few months. Needless to say we are very impressed. It looks like the entire class is far beyond what they have ever done before. Ava's teacher pushes them and when they are finished with their 45 minutes class they look beat and Ava is ready from some food. Here is a little video of Ava doing her ballet dance. She is so good and we can't wait till June and the recital to see her and Ella perform on the big stage.