Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Turning the Big 4!!!

Today is the day the our wonderful daughter Ava blessed us and came into this world. As I sit here and think of the last 4 years it is amazing how time can go by so fast. She is an absolute joy and her excitement and wonderment never siece to amaze me. We made a DVD of her last 4 years to show all the family and it was sad thinking that she will never be the little girl that loved to cuddle for hours in the chair. She still does a little, but not for very long. Watching her learn new and exciting things all the time is a wonderment to the innocence of a little child. I am not that much of a religous man but I know that God has blessed Sarah and I with two wonderful children that we so love and adore.
So here's to you Ava, Happy Birthday. Your mom and I love you very much and you are a very special little girl.


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