Thursday, March 19, 2009

Brand New Business

This is an update into what has been going on with Sarah's "hobby." Well, we have finally made it official, we are a business. The name of the business is Sarah McConnell Photography, LLC. I know that looks that same as it has been in the past. It is and it isn't. The LLC is the key part of the official business. It is for liability purposes and well has tax purposes. We have meet with lawyers, thank you Mike and Meredith, as well as a CPA, thanks Kevin, to get it all set up. It was a lot of complicated wording and legal stuff but it is all figured out and we are up and running. Sarah has been doing a wonderful job with the pictures and she is staying very busy. She loves taking pictures and doing the editing. We don't know where this is going to lead but we have faith on wherever it takes us. So, being the good husband I am putting in a plug for anybody that needs pictures taken; kids, graduations, etc. Let Sarah know and she will get you set up. Stay tuned for updates on the children.

1 comment:

Matt said...

good luck with your new venture guys!