Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Patches Galore!

Here it is Monday again. What a busy weekend. We went to 3 pumpkin patches/orchards in 3 days. Friday we went to the Cambridge Orchard and the girls had a blast. They got to jump on a "jumping pillow", swim in a corn pool, visit a one-room school house, and drive petal tractors. You can see from the pictures that Sarah is having fun with her new camera and always trys to put matching clothes on the girls. On Sunday we went up to Deal's Orchard in Jefferson. I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to get family pictures taken. I was wrong. The girls were in no mood to get their picture taken and the wind was raging at 30 mph. The girls had fun eating all the free sample apples and pears. We finally did get our family picture taken in the backyard at the Trueblood's. They turned out really well and I will have those up over the next few days.

Ava running through the pumpkins.

Ava being like her dad.

What perfect little angels.

Ella running through the pumpkins.

The girls on the jumping pillow.

Ella and Sarah jumping.

You can't be tried all ready!

Ava making a corn angel.

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